Caltrans has released the third road report for the Lee Vining Rockfall Safety Project on Highway 395 along Mono Lake just north of Lee Vining.
Lee Vining Rockfall Safety project update #3
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Text from the official update is below.
Project Update #3
Thursday, April 29, 2015
This project will reduce rockfall at six cut slopes along US 395 north of Lee Vining near Mono Lake to improve safety. The project includes a plant establishment program on all slopes to reduce
erosion, establish healthy soil, and promote successful revegetation. Three of the six slopes will also receive anchored mesh to stabilize the slopes and reduce rockfall.
Construction will take place beginning May 2015 through fall 2015 and possibly spring/summer 2016. During Construction, due to limited roadway width, there will be daily reversing traffic control with delays up to 20 minutes. There will be a temporary signal system in operation 24/7 during portions of the work. Expect delays up to 10 minutes, under normal traffic conditions, while the signal is operative.
In addition, occasional 1 hour closures will be needed to safely clear large rocks from the slopes and to install anchored mesh on the highest slopes. These closures will be from 6 am to 7 am, Monday through Thursday, for eight days (i.e., two weeks) during rock removal, and for another eight days during mesh installation, in each of the two construction stages. The exact dates of the 1 hour closures are not known at this time, but will be publicized prior to the closures.
This project includes a 5-year native plant revegetation program. Data gathered from nearby test plots was used to determine the best methods to restore the native vegetation in the challenging soil conditions in the project area. Soil health will be improved through the use of compost and other amendment tilled into the soil, after which native seeds and pine needle mulch will be applied. During and immediately after the project the slopes will look worse temporarily, but the project is expected to improve the scenic value of the area in the long-term, as the slopes eventually recover with native vegetation similar to adjacent slopes.
This project will stabilize and revegetate the slopes, reducing rockfall and improving roadway safety.
The project is funded through the State Highway Operation and Protection Program, for $5.8 million in construction costs. Federal and State fuel taxes provide the majority of transportation funding.
More information:
— Cedrik Zemitis, Caltrans Project Manager, 760-872-5250 or by email. If you would like to be added to the email list for project updates, email Cedrik Zemitis.
— Florene Trainor, Caltrans Public Information Officer, 760-872-5235 or by email.
— For general State highway information: 1-800-427-ROAD (7623) or the website.