Trail Chic is a fashion show fundraiser for the Mono Lake Committee’s Outdoor Education Center Access Fund. Our friends from Barefoot Wine & Bubbly will be pouring wine and bubbly (for a donation), there will be a silent auction with an affordable selection of wines and outdoor gear, and entrance to the event is free.
When: Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 7:30pm
Where: Lee Vining Community Center
And then there are the fashions … in years past we’ve seen climbers, cyclists, snowboarders, birders, woodsmen, aliens, tufa towers, invasive plant species, pirates, research biologists, and, yes, small dogs. You’ll have a good chance of seeing gold lamé, glitter, feathers, and sequins mixing with polypro, hiking socks, binocular straps, zip-off pants, farmer’s tans, and the like walking the astroturf runway. Something magic happens when you put it all together with some contagious music, so mark your calendar and make your plans to come do Trail Chic with us!