The complete list of all the Mono Lake Committee’s 2022 Field Seminars will be posted online on Tuesday, February 1. Registration will open at 9:00am on Tuesday, February 15 for Mono Lake Committee members.
We’re working to set up about 18 seminars for this coming summer and fall, with one-, two-, and three-day options. We’re pleased to be bringing back art and photography seminars this year. Along with our usual variety of natural history topics there’s truly something for everyone!
Please be sure to take a look at our Covid-19 requirements for this year, which are in place to ensure that everyone involved with the Field Seminars can safely participate.
If you can’t wait until summer for the seminars to start, take a look at the six virtual seminars about birds we’re offering—registration is open and the first one takes place on January 30. Learn about birds from their feathers to their migrations to their feeding behaviors from the Committee’s Lead Naturalist Guide Nora Livingston. The virtual seminars are a great way to brush up on your bird basics before you come to the Mono Basin in the summer for birding in person.
Registration opens on Tuesday, February 15 at 9:00am PST for Mono Lake Committee members only. If you are not a Committee member, but you wish to register in February, you may join the Committee and sign up for the class of your choice at the same time on February 15. If you have any questions, you can check the list of frequently asked questions, email the Field Seminar team, or call (760) 647-6595.

Top photo by Robbie Di Paolo.