Have you ever wanted to go out past the shore of Mono Lake? Ever wanted to glide like a gull through clouds of brine shrimp? To see tufa towers from the perspective of an osprey? Here is your chance! Let the Mono Lake Committee’s naturalist guides take you on a journey by canoe! This summer we are leading interpretive canoe tours every weekend from the end of June through the beginning of September.

There is something extra magical about paddling around South Tufa in the summertime. The morning sun bounces off the waves, sending dancing rays up to illuminate the enchanted tufa grove. Violet-green Swallows dart overhead, swooping through the towers and playing games of tag. Eared Grebes dive into the depths and resurface mere meters away while California Gulls peck this way and that, relishing the briny buffet. Underwater reefs of limestone bustle with scuba-diving alkali flies and mating brine shrimp, which you can meet face-to-face from the comfort of a canoe.
Deepen your connection to Mono Lake by joining us and seeing the lake from a whole new angle. Whether you want to learn more about the lake’s policy issues, the geological history of the region, or the fascinating lives of the Mono Basin’s birds, our passionate canoe guides would love to tell you all about it. Mono Lake’s natural and human histories are rich and ongoing, and our canoe tours are a place for curiosity, education, and reflection.
Canoe tours occur every Saturday and Sunday at 8:00am, 9:30am, and 11:00am from June 29 through September 1. Tickets are $20 for children ages 4–12 and $35 for adults ages 13+. For more information, visit the canoe tours page, send me an email, or give us a call at (760) 647-6595.
Top photo by Andrew Youssef.