Make a 2023 year-end donation for Mono Lake now

To close out 2023 strong we have set ourselves a challenging goal of 750 supporters donating online this month.

Will you join these hundreds of supporters and help us reach the goal by making a donation of any amount today? Together we will turn this year’s accomplishments into on-the-ground results for Mono Lake.

Here’s one way to measure the impact of your support: If DWP diversions had gone unchecked, Mono Lake today would have sunk another 40 feet, with dust storms raging, salinity too high to sustain life, and the entire ecosystem collapsed.

Instead, because people like you care enough to support the Mono Lake Committee’s tireless actions to defend and protect Mono Lake, it still has a chance for long-term health.

Looking back on the progress we’ve made gives us hope—and gives us motivation to tackle the challenges ahead. We do make a difference. Every gift you make, every letter of concern you send moves the needle. And the time has come for Mono Lake to be treated fairly. We must keep insisting on it.

Your year-end gift will fund the Committee’s efforts to change diversion rules so that Mono Lake can finally reach the mandated healthy level. Every single donation makes a difference.

Help us close out 2023 strong and step into a bright new year for Mono Lake! Photo by Andrew Youssef.

Top photo by Elin Ljung.