If you’re on your way to Mono Lake this month, be prepared to encounter numerous road construction projects. Some projects are much needed after last winter’s harsh weather and others have been long-planned and are taking place this summer. Please drive safely, have patience with the delays, and give a friendly wave to traffic control personnel!
Deadman Summit emergency work
On Highway 395 south of the June Lake Junction, crews will be repairing winter storm damage by grinding out potholes and repaving with asphalt. The northbound and southbound outside lanes will be closed during construction. Work is scheduled for Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 7:00pm.
Highway 158 (June Lake Loop) emergency work
At the south end of the June Lake Loop crews will be repairing winter storm damage by grinding out potholes and repaving with asphalt. Work is scheduled for Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 7:00pm. There will be one-way traffic control with a pilot car and drivers may experience 20-minute delays.
Cemetery Capital Preventative Maintenance Project
On Highway 395 between Cemetery Road and the junction with Highway 167 near Mono City, crews will be grinding down the pavement to remove existing chip seals and rubberized hot mix asphalt. The pavement grinding will then be reused to fill in the roadway with a 0.33’ partial depth recycle followed by a 0.25’ layer of hot mix asphalt. Other details of the project include replacing shoulder backing, new asphalt dikes, new traffic signs, and upgrading 800 feet of guardrail. During the project’s 55 working days, work will be scheduled for Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 6:00pm. There will be single lane closures and one-way traffic control, and drivers may experience 20-minute delays. Work is tentatively scheduled to conclude in late August 2023.
Conway Ranch Shoulders Project
On Highway 395 between the junction with Highway 167 and just north of Conway Ranch Road near Mono City, crews will be widening the embankments and shoulders to eight feet through the project area using a 0.6’ layer of hot mix asphalt. They will also lengthen the northbound chain-up area approximately 0.5 miles south of Conway Ranch Road by 500’ to the south to bring this part of Highway 395 up to current design standards. Other details of the project include installing 12-inch shoulder rumble strips, replacing and rehabilitating existing culverts, replacing traffic signs, and installing lighting systems for chain-up areas. During the project’s 140 working days, work is scheduled for Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 6:00pm. There will be one-way traffic control and drivers may experience 20-minute delays. This project is tentatively scheduled to conclude in October 2023. Shoulder work could restart in the spring of 2024 due to a winter suspension.
Bridgeport emergency work
On Highway 395 between Buckeye Road and Twin Lakes Road, crews will be repairing winter storm damage by grinding out potholes and repaving with asphalt. Work is scheduled for Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 7:00pm. There will be one-way traffic control with a pilot car and drivers may experience 20-minute delays.
Topaz Lake emergency work
On Highway 395 approximately 1.9 miles south of the Nevada State Line there is one-way traffic control with a traffic signal 24 hours a day, seven days a week so that repairs to the road can be made after storm damage.
Top photo by Elin Ljung.