Here at the Mono Lake Committee, we very much enjoy knowing detailed bits of obscure Mono Basin knowledge. Often these pieces of information are important, but they aren’t always particularly interesting, especially on their own.
Some examples: In April 1983, the month I was born, Mono Lake’s level was 6375.9 feet above sea level. The Lee Vining Creek diversion structure was replaced in 2005. The innocuous, sagebrush-covered hill west of the Mono Basin Visitor Center was designed and built on purpose.
As we put together each issue of the Mono Lake Newsletter we strive for a balance: Mono-specific information, complete with obscure details, strung together tell the story of our work on behalf of Mono Lake.
Sometimes one of these details takes on new importance. In this issue you’ll read about how that unobtrusive berm at the Visitor Center has recently been put front and center. Our knowledge that it was built on purpose to preserve scenic views is key to solving the problem posed by its removal.
The article that begins on the next page really hits the sweet spot. It’s truly obscure knowledge—not a secret, but known only to the nerdiest of Mono Basin aficionados. It’s a tale of history, water policy, geology, and engineering intertwined. It highlights the Committee’s detailed knowledge about the ways the Los Angeles Aqueduct affects Mono Lake. Plus, it’s fascinating.
Every Mono Lake Newsletter is the story of Mono Lake and the Mono Lake Committee. Each issue has obscure details, compelling narratives, and a cast of characters diligently working to keep saving Mono Lake. So dive right in—we think you’ll love this story.
Top photo and cover photo courtesy of John Dittli.