There are many ways to take action for Mono Lake.
From writing letters and attending and speaking at public meetings to sharing information on social media, our collective action makes a difference.
Current action: Join the action alert list
We send action alerts by email—make sure we have your email address so you can be ready to speak up for Mono Lake at a moment’s notice.
Ongoing campaign: #savethetufa

Tufa is one of Mono Lake’s most iconic and popular features.
Unfortunately, people often climb on, stand on, and otherwise (knowingly or unknowingly) damage the tufa. Not only does damaging tufa negatively impact Mono Lake’s scenic value and fragile ecosystem, but it is also illegal under California State Park regulations.
When you visit Mono Lake you can help save the tufa by enjoying and taking photos of the spectacular formations from the ground, rather than standing or climbing on them. Also, make sure others in your group know to be careful around the fragile tufa. Share your responsibly-taken tufa photos with the hashtag #savethetufa to encourage others to take care of the tufa too.
More Ways to Get Involved
Join the Mono Lake Committee
Members make the Mono Lake Committee’s work possible.
Become a Mono Lake Volunteer
Our Volunteer program has great training and a variety of opportunities.
Top photo by Robert Di Paolo.