We’ve just posted Lee Vining weather data for June 2010 on the Mono Basin Clearinghouse. It was a windy June, with an average wind speed of 4.7 mph–the highest average wind speed since 2001’s 5.1 mph (2005 came close with 4.6 mph). The maximum wind speed of 47 mph was unremarkable.
It was also warm at night in June. The lowest minimum temperature of 37.6 F was the highest since 2003’s 40.6 F (unofficial data). The average minimum temperature of 48.4 F was 1.7 degrees above the long term average (NOAA data).
It was a dry June, with just a trace of precipitation on three different days. This is the fifth time that June precipitation wasn’t measurable during the last 22 years. June is our driest month of the year, with a median precipitation of 0.13 inches and an average of 0.34 inches.