A brown hilly landscape dotted with evergreen trees slopes up into the dark and snow striped Sierra Nevada mountains against a blue sky.

Genny Smith memorial Mono Lake Moment

On Friday, November 27th at 11:00am PST, there will be a special Mono Lake Moment in memory of Genny Smith, the Naturalist Queen of the Eastern Sierra, who passed away in 2018. Genny played a key role in the protection of Mono Lake and was a fierce activist and advocate for the Sierra for decades. We continue to draw on her strength and reverence for the earth as we work to protect Mono Lake.

In the foreground, a close up of algae-filled lake water is bright green and shows tufa beneath the surface. The green turns into a reflection of the cloudy sky, and eventually a perfect reflection of an upside-down snowy mountain range
Join us on Friday for a Mono Lake Moment in honor of Genny Smith, who loved Mono Lake. Photo by Nora Livingston.

Genny wrote several guidebooks to the incredible places in the Eastern Sierra, including a thorough and beautiful natural history guide called Sierra East: Edge of the Great Basin. I will read a section of Sierra East under the grandeur of the Sierra, overlooking Mono Lake. Join me on Facebook or YouTube for the premiere, or check out the Mono Lake Moments tag on our Videos page after 11:00am on Friday.

A black and white close up of a woman with short dark hair smiling and laughing at the camera.
Genny Smith, 1922–2018.

Top photo by Nora Livingston.