
Experience Ambientalia: The exchange at Mono Lake 

After a year of planning, organizing, and fundraising, youth from Laguna Mar Chiquita and Mono Lake finally met each other and spent a week together at the Mono Basin Outdoor Education Center as part of the Experience Ambientalia program. Experience…

Experience Ambientalia celebrates World Wetlands Day

Earlier this month Lee Vining students participating in the Experience Ambientalia program celebrated World Wetlands Day. In partnership with the Mono Lake Committee, local high school teachers, and our colleagues at Laguna Mar Chiquita in northern Argentina, these students took…

Tell the stories

This essay, written by mark! Lopez, appears in the 2023 Mono Lake Calendar. My first memory of Mono Lake, like many of my first memories, connects to my grandparents Juana and Ricardo Gutierrez, Co-Founders of the Madres del Este de Los…

Outdoor Education Center achieves accreditation

This past summer, the Mono Basin Outdoor Education Center (OEC) program reached a milestone—official camp accreditation through the American Camp Association (ACA). The Mono Lake Committee started working toward accreditation several years ago, so we are celebrating this achievement! “The…

Trail Chic 2022 was a huge success

After a three-year hiatus Trail Chic sprang back into life last week thanks to the generosity of Randy Arnold of Barefoot Wine & Bubbly and the creativity of the local community. About 75 people from Mono City to Mammoth Lakes…