
Will LA take more Mono Lake water?

Mono Lake Committee and diverse LA coalition call on Mayor Bass to not increase water exports this year Last year was notably wet, raising Mono Lake five feet—and creating a conundrum. Under rules written three decades ago, the lake’s rise…

A strong call for raising Mono Lake at State Water Board workshop

Update: Workshop video recording now available online Click the video timestamp below to watch the corresponding section of the workshop on YouTube. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:19:35 Decision 1631, State Water Resources Control Board Staff 00:32:40 Mono Lake Committee Presentation 00:52:25 California…

Mono Lake is in a state of emergency

An emergency situation now exists for nesting birds and water quality at Mono Lake. The lake level has fallen a foot and a half since spring and is alarmingly low due to a legacy of Los Angeles Department of Water &…

Getting Mono Lake to rise

Answers to common questions we’re hearing about the low lake From the shore of Mono Lake to the streets of Los Angeles, the Committee had a busy summer answering questions about the current low lake level, its causes, and what…

Looking toward the future State Water Board hearing

Purpose: Raise Mono Lake to the Public Trust lake level of 6392 feet With Mono Lake painfully low, talk has been frequent in recent months about the California State Water Resources Control Board’s future hearing on the matter. A hearing…