It has been an exciting summer at Mono Lake as we’ve watched the lake rise before our eyes after a record-breaking snowy winter. We were amazed to see daily changes along the shoreline as the lake steadily rose. Check out the timelapse video below to see Mono Lake’s summer rise for yourself in just 30 seconds.
In June, we asked you how many inches you thought Mono Lake would rise this summer and the results are in—Mono Lake rose 2.7 feet (32.4 inches) from June 1 to September 1. Mono Lake’s current level is 6383.2 feet above sea level, which is an astounding 4.7 feet higher than its December 2022 low point.
Six people accurately predicted this summer’s lake rise within a two-inch margin and one Committee member, John G. of Santa Cruz, came within less than an inch of the actual rise with his guess of 31.5 inches. Thank you to everyone who submitted guesses and donations!
While we are thrilled to see Mono Lake rise this year, the gain could be quickly lost due to continued stream diversions by the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power. The Mono Lake Committee is working with Los Angeles community groups, political leaders, and also DWP to get the State Water Board to hold a much-needed hearing to achieve a healthy lake level.
Even though Mono Lake rose 4.7 feet rise this year, the lake has 8.8 feet to go to reach the mandated healthy lake level. Help us keep Mono Lake on the rise by making a donation today or by sharing this message with a friend.