A line of deciduous trees in bright fall colors dotted with pine trees in front of a tall mountain with clouds coming over.


Two more weekends of Mono Lake canoe tours

As Labor Day approaches the Mono Lake Committee’s summer canoe tours wind down for the year. There are two more weekends of tours available—book your tour now so you don’t miss out this season! Canoeing on Mono Lake is a…

Walker Lake Rehydration Celebration

Runoff from last winter’s record snowpack has allowed Walker Lake to rise 15 feet so far this year. While there is still a long way to go before restoration of the lake’s native fishery can begin, it’s definitely time to…

Another new mural at the Mono Lake Committee

This summer has been significant when it comes to murals in Lee Vining; birds and tufa were painted at the beginning of the season all around town. Now, a new splash of color decorates the back wall at the Mono…

12th annual Yosemite Butterfly Count

Aspens glimmered and quaked as the gentle wind moved through the grove. High above, Lundy Canyon’s signature red rock contrasted with bright white snow patches, remnants of a long winter. The canyon was brimming with the repercussions of the large…

Invasive plant removal in the Mono Basin

The Mono Basin is home to an abundance of stunning native plant species, from riparian habitats to alkali-sink scrub. Unfortunately, there are also a few guests who have overstayed their welcome. In the Mono Basin, and much of the world,…

Tioga Pass Run registration is open

Tioga Pass, the road that offers seasonal travel between the east and west sides of the Sierra Nevada through Yosemite National Park, just opened this morning! After a record-breaking snowy winter it’s the latest opening in at least the last…

Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua & Phalarope Festival

The 20th Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua was a huge success! The weekend brought more than 200 participants to Lee Vining for 100 trips, classes, and talks over the course of the weekend. This year presenters had to navigate the unique…

Summer activities in the Mono Basin

Get to know the lake and the vibrant ecosystem around it with a guided program! Summer is a magical time here in the Mono Lake Basin. Wildflowers are blooming, snow melt rushes out of the Sierra into the lively streams,…

Walker Lake, Nevada is on the rise

Record Sierra runoff (and the Public Trust Doctrine) flow into Walker Lake In the last days of 1994, celebrations of State Water Board Decision 1631 by Mono Lake Committee staff had barely ended when it began to snow, and snow,…