Category: Field Seminars

A group of several birders stand in the shrubbery along mono shore. Some look through binoculars towards the water.

Announcing the 2021 Field Seminars

The Mono Lake Committee’s 2021 Field Seminars are now online! This year we’re offering a slimmed-down seminar season due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Join us to get back into the field and learn about these natural history topics: Mono…

A woman on the shore of Mono Lake looking through a spotting scope out over the water with tufa towers in the background.

Registration open for spring virtual seminars

Are you interested in learning more about birds? Join me, the Mono Lake Committee’s Lead Naturalist Guide, on one or more virtual seminars that explore the important basic topics of ornithology, the study of birds, in our new virtual seminar…

Five people standing in a grassy field adjacent to Mono Lake looking out toward the lake with binoculars at birds flying in the sky and the Sierra Nevada in the distance.

Coming this spring: Virtual seminars

The Field Seminar team is excited to present a selection of virtual seminars coming up this spring. Join me, the Mono Lake Committee’s Lead Naturalist Guide, to learn about the essentials of ornithology (the study of birds) from the comfort of your own…