
Experience Ambientalia observes World Migratory Bird Day

Students participating in the Experience Ambientalia program celebrated World Migratory Bird Day during the month of October. In partnership with the Mono Lake Committee, DeChambeau Creek Foundation, Eastern Sierra Bird Alliance, local high school teachers, and our colleagues at Laguna Mar…

Invasive plant removal in the Mono Basin

The Mono Basin is home to an abundance of stunning native plant species, from riparian habitats to alkali-sink scrub. Unfortunately, there are also a few guests who have overstayed their welcome. In the Mono Basin, and much of the world,…

DeChambeau Ponds Community Work Day

Join the second annual work day to get the ponds ready for another busy spring nesting season! Help maintain culverts between ponds, bury new pipelines, and clean historic irrigation ditches. Jobs are available for any and all abilities. Come anytime…

The DeChambeau Pond water is filled with golden brown and green grasses and plants, with the snow covered Sierra Nevada mountains behind it.

Pipeline upgrade restores water to DeChambeau Ponds

After months of community collaboration, planning, and work on the ground, water is once again flowing to the DeChambeau Ponds. Long cut off from inflow by broken-down infrastructure, the restoration of flowing water will benefit waterfowl and wildlife in the…

Green grasses line the still pond water, which reflects the light blue and pastel pink sky.

DeChambeau Pond #2 makes a full recovery

Throughout August, DeChambeau Pond #2 had a low water level, limiting its value to the wildlife that enjoy the US Forest Service (USFS) managed DeChambeau Ponds. On September 1st, USFS staff discovered that an unauthorized adjustment had been made to…